COVID 19 has added additional complexity to education in Guatemala. With most schools operating in a remote-only fashion, students and families have had to rely on technology, usually in the form of cell phones, and visiting teachers whenever possible. In the remote villages served by Wakami, cell service can be unreliable and the expense may be beyond the reach of many families. Yet the children are resilient and the value of education has not waivered. Despite these obstacles, the desire to learn persists. But now more than ever, these families need your help to overcome the challenges and to keep learning!


We believe in empowering not just artisans, but also their families.

Guatemala is one of the poorest countries in Central America and has among the highest rates of income disparity and gender inequity in the world.

There is little access to education for children in remote villages – especially girls. The cost of tuition, school supplies and transportation is often prohibitive for families. We aim to provide scholarships for artisans’ children in all Wakami Communities.

The aim of the program is to encourage children between the ages of 6 and 18 to stay in school.

Our scholarship program provides an economic incentive to encourage families to invest in their children’s education. It partially finances a family’s expenses for school.

Now more than ever they need your help!

Your scholarship dollars can keep a family from having to choose between sending their child to school or sending their child to work.

Through the Wakami training, artisans have learned that education can transform lives from poverty to prosperity. That’s why their children have a school attendance rate that is 75% higher than the national average. But the cost of school is becoming prohibitive for many families.

With your help more children can stay in school and make their dreams a reality.

I´m Rocío, I´m 20 years old. I live in Magdalena Milpas Altas. In my community the opportunities for girls to study are very few, due to machismo and lack of income in families. When I finished primary school, my father did not want to support me to continue my studies, but thanks to school scholarships and my mother's help, I managed to graduate. I am the first in my family to go to college. I am very grateful and I only hope that many girls, like me, have the opportunity to fulfill their dreams and finish their studies.
My name is Marla Chanta and I am 42 years old. I have been working with Wakami for 14 years. My group of Wakami producers is in Magdalena Milpas Altas. Several of our sons and daughters have benefited from school scholarships, and through this the dreams and goals of our boys and girls have come true. It is very difficult for us to send our children to school, but with the support we have shown how valuable it is that they study. We are proud, hardworking mothers, and we are so grateful for the opportunities they give our children.
Wakami Producer
I support the Wakami scholarship program because I have experienced the difference that Wakami makes in the lives of women and their families in Guatemala. To end poverty, we must ensure that all children have access to education. Wakami scholarships help families focus on the long term goal of educating their children by helping them overcome the immediate barriers.